Thursday, September 5, 2019

Morning Greetings

It can get boring to show up at work and greet your friend with the same old "Good morning, Aaron" or "Good morning, Joe" every day. 

Somewhere along the way, somebody changed it up and threw in a

Which turned into "Howdy, pard."

Thus started the daily ritual of non-conventional morning greetings. Whomever spoke first, the other guy had to counter. The exchanges sounded like this:

08:00 AM greetings:
“’Morning, marshal…”

Morning greeting:
"Your Holiness…"
"Your Grace…"

Morning greetings:

Morning greetings:

08:00 am greetings:
"G'morning, Inspector."
"'Morning, Detective."

Morning greetings:

08:00 am greetings:
“Good morning, prefect.”
“Good day, centurion.”

Morning greeting:

Morning greeting:

Morning greeting:
“You're out of your element, Donny…”
Morning greetings:
“My liege…”

08:00 AM greetings:
“Good morning, commodore.”
“Good morning, admiral.”

Morning greetings:

Morning greetings:
“Howdy, you sorry hornschwagler.”
“’Morning, you horse-lipped honyocker.”

08:00 AM greetings:
“Mornin’, you ole cattle-rustler.”
“How-do, you shifty horse-swipe.”

08:00 greetings:
“Morning, you conniving scallywag…”
“How do, you scurrilous hayseed…”

Morning greetings:
“Field marshal…”

Morning greetings:
“Good morning, you chicken-hearted chuckle head…”
“’Morning, you gasconading poltroon…”

Morning greetings:

Morning greetings:
“Howdy, you grumpy old slopjake.”
“G’mornin, you obstreperous outlaw.”

Morning greetings:
“Morning, ya yellow-bellied sapsucker.”
“Morning to ya, ya mollycoddling milksop.”

08:00 am greetings:

08:00 am greetings:
“Morning to you, you slippery sidewinder.”
“Morning, you bunkhouse lout.”

Morning greetings:

Morning greetings:

08:00 a.m. greetings:
“Nice seersucker, Tom Wolfe.”
“Nice pickle-factory uniform, Charles Bukowski.”

Morning greetings:

Morning greetings:
“Morning, you gollumping ginger-snap…”
“G’mornin, you lackadaisical layabout…”

08:00 am greetings:

Morning greetings:
“Luca Brasi…”

Morning greetings:

08:00 a.m. greetings:
“Colonel Hogan…”

Morning greetings:
“Don Julio…”
“Don Corleone…”

Morning greetings:
“Mary Ann…”

Morning greetings:

08:00 a.m. greetings:

Morning greetings:
“Your Excellency…”
“Your Eminence…”

Morning greetings:

Morning greetings:

08:00 a.m. greetings:
“Sheriff Taylor…”

Morning greetings:

Morning greetings:

Morning greetings:

08:00 a.m. greetings:

Morning greetings:
“El capitán…”
“El jefe…”

Morning greetings:

08:00 a.m. greetings:
“Captain Lewis…”
“Captain Clark…”

Morning greetings:

Morning greetings:

Morning greetings:


--> -->


Unknown said...

"Morning, your Highness..."

"Likewise, your Lowness..."

Joe said...

S'good one, Peter! Thanks, mate.